About Us

Our Story
Established in 1997 by Padraig Whelan, ICON Engineering has earned its reputation for quality engineering solutions. We specialise in the commissioning, qualification and maintenance of Air, Water and Cleanroom environments, and are committed to the excellence of our work.
Having qualified with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the newly-founded University of Limerick, Padraig spent years working in the field of Commissioning & Qualification Engineering. He soon realised the number of clients that could benefit from the diverse set of skills he had developed and from this realisation arose a company dedicated to imagining and fulfilling quality, customer-focused engineering solutions to an ever-growing client base.
20 years on and ICON Engineering has evolved into a specialist engineering contractor, involved in a wide variety of projects, from initial consultation, through project management, and extending to final project hand-over and sign-off. The company is equally capable of the development and costing of large scale engineering works, having a wealth of experience working in a broad spectrum of projects and environments from 80-storey office blocks, through Commercial, Industrial, Pharmaceutical and large-scale Residential projects.
While both the company and the number of happy clients has expanded dramatically over the years, our commitment to quality and thoroughness remains unchanged; we believe in excellence at every step of the process.
Quality Assurance
Icon Engineering are proud to be ISO 9001:2015 certified. Here at Icon Engineering, our goal is to deliver a quality service that meets our clients requirements in a timely and efficient manner.In order to achieve this, an effective Management System has been implemented which complies with the requirements of the Quality Management system in place. This comprises of a set of formal operating procedures set out in our Quality Manual.
The Directors and Management are committed to the quality management system. Adherence to the quality management system operating procedures ensures conformance with the Clients specified requirements.
We’ve never had an audit finding. Quality and customer satisfaction are fundamental to the ICON Engineering ethos. Our highly experienced and trained personnel have a wealth of experience backed up by comprehensive SOPs, Method Statements, Standards, Protocols, Training Records, etc.
We have an unblemished Safety record.
An integral component of the success of ICON Engineering has been the on-going emphasis on safety. The company strives to eliminate accidents and injuries to personnel employed by, or associated with, ICON Engineering.
We comply with all relevant Irish Health & Safety Legislation, namely the “Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005”, “Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007” and the “Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2006”.